Friday, October 28, 2011

Team Building Bowling Outing

We at are very competitive. As you can clearly see.
We want to be the best at everything. Customer satisfaction, web presence, and bowling.
Take our Customer service guru Adam.

He doesn't mess around. He'll get your delivery scheduled and put you in a whirlwind with his efficiency and freindliness. But it doesn't end there. His 7-10 split is awe inspiring.
And Mark, well, he's... such a great person.

I can't even fluff up his gutterball-every-time scores. It would wreck my moral compass and throw off my sales mojo. Sorry Mark. Nice bowling ball baby you got there. He is a master Google SketchUp-er and resident marketing whiz though. Did I mention brilliant writer and keen wit? Bowling just isn't his strong suit.
And then there's me. Yes, I use a pink kids ball that weighs 9 pounds. But don't let that fool you. I can't tell you how many bowling leagues I've had to turn down. And I'll sell you that ball. You may not need a bowling ball but it would make a great holiday gift. Tis the season soon enough.

I love animals, and turkeys are no different. 3 strikes in a row is par for the course.
If you're not intimidated by now, you're probably smarter than the average person. We're terrible at bowling. But we love hanging out together and are truly like a family. "I coulda used a little more cowbell." Go team!

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